
The work begins.

Some of our visitors have reported strange storms of late, nights darkened beyond the natural, strangers on the roads. The warm glow emerging from our back room, the rabbit stew on offer out the front, we hope these have provided solace in these dangerous times.
But the time of celebration has passed with the last hangover and, despite the recent ill omens, Clan MacTavish has continued determined to commence on the construction of its new lodge.
The land must first be cleared at the chosen site (located near our present accomodation) and the decrease in our stock of timber, brought about by the need to light the signal fire the other night, made good. True to form, we set out to get the job done...
Above: A younger MacTavish helps clear the site for our future Clan Lodge.
Below: At the end of a hard day's work in the woods...

Piper Tom has heard that some of the MacTavishes have been practicing the ancient art of Cattle Tippin'. Suspecting bruises will be the result, he picks out an old tippin' aire on his pipes and puts 'The Brave' away for a little while at least.

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