
The New Broom

In recent days our Hut might appear deserted to the casual observer. But if you listen very carefully you can hear the sound of work going on in the woods around (that is, you can hear this when Piper Tom isn't playing). One of our kinswomen is also evident around the hut a fair bit with her new broom, measuring and taking stock of what is here to assist in looking after the immediate needs of the clan.

Once dark has fallen, however, there is a busy traffic into and out of the Hut as MacTavishes come in from their various daytime tasks and duties. There seems to be much business being conducted in the back room, around our friendly Hearth.

Lodge Update

Today, one of the young gillies was busy digging more post holes at the site of the lodge we are building. Late in the evening several large logs are brought in from the woods, dressed and painted in tar at their bases to resist rot. The poles are placed directly into the recently dug holes:

Being both smaller and freestanding, these side gallery pole holes don't require the bracing which the main gallery holes did.

As the light fades, a large number of smaller logs are brought out of the woods and placed near the newly postitioned side gallery poles, ready to be used on the morrow.

Just as I wrote this, an extremely tall and finely built young man comes striding to the hut. With a self confident air, he lets himself into the back room and the sound of welcoming cheers can be heard ringing through the woods. The sounds of an irish lilt can be heard, telling a tall tale. Not to be outdone, Piper Tom swings into a little dittie he once learnt from one of his irish mates.

Sorry for the delay in posting this. I have been way busy both ingame and IRL.

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