
When you go down to the woods today...

Again, there were some late night conversations in the backroom of MacTavish's hut. At least some of the comings and goings of various messengers today was probably a result of at least some of those conversations. Otherwise, today was quite an ordinary day, filled with the needs of earning a daily living.

At one point a horsed messenger rode out to find Dracmuller near the worksite where we are going to build our new Lodge. Hardly had the messenger departed when Drac tromped out of the woods and into the backroom of the Hut. It wasn't long and several further messages were despatched by the 'wee bairn express' which we so love to use, and then we settled into a big meal of bread and cheese.

Lodge Update

Because cattle are now rarely seen in these parts, the nearby forest withie, once used by the cowherds, has fallen into disrepair. We've spruced it up and now use it as a base for our forestry operations. Having felled sufficient timber for present needs various kin start to dress the logs for use, under the guidance of the experienced carpenters amongst us.

Forest Withie

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