
St Andrew's Day

Dracmuller MacTavish looks up at the most recent work on the clan's new Lodge. It's taking a bit longer than first planned, but is looking good. Everyone seems to have been fairly busy recently it seems, and with our carpenter heading off to the newly proclaimed County of Ayr from his original scottish home in Whithorn, why, things have been even more disjointed at the Lodge. Still, we've now got the roof trusses and structural beams up. Next step will be to extend the roof downwards to cover the side galleries, methinks.

After we'd finished work on the Lodge for the day we all tucked in to a fine feast in honour of this grand day. Many of us have raised a toast to our patron saint, Andrew, in our local taverns already by the time we get here, so the food certainly doesn't go astray!

Sit down, relax, and raise your glass to scotland!

Piper Tom, waking up a little late after his 'preparations' last night for today, has decided to play an old favorite today to honour the occasion. For war and celebration, 'The Brave' is one of scotland's most well known tunes.


Bin awhile

It's been awhile since we've done any real work in our hut. There's been steady traffic of MacTavishes through the back room of the hut, and there's some pretty serious conversations late at night around the Hearth. Lizardking is keeping our rabbit strew going, feeding it rabbits from his vegetable fields.

The construction of the new Lodge we are building has temporarily slowed up as we split more planks for the roof. We never quite realised just how much work is involved in building such a huge structure...

A most sweet wee lassie came froliking up to the hut this evening, looking for her aunty. Piper Tom, overjoyed to see such a bonnie MacTavish grace our porch, launched into his latest tune 'sweet sweet sounds of home'.


Getting Ready

A couple MacTavishes were cleaning the hut out today with their new brooms. A new batch of Rabbit Stew was begun with another donation of Lizardking's peskey rabbits. Things are being got ready for the return of Dracmuller after his eventful and rather protracted visit to Drummore via Wigtown.

Near sunset, just as the work crew is returning from the site of our new lodge (see below), one can hear the sound of a young gillie whistling as he strides confidently up the path. He bears a distinct family resemblance to certain others of the Whithorn branch of our clan and is obviously another MacTavish finding his way to our Hearth.

To honour the occasion, Piper Tom tries out another tune - 'Wher'er she may lead'

Lodge News
Work has continued on our new lodge. Having split many logs into planks over recent days, we have made our roof trusses and raised them with an ingenious system of ropes and levers above the main hall's structural beams. The next step will be to add some rafter beams to strengthen the roof against highland gales. But that can wait until tomorrow. For now, it's rabbit stew for all of us!

Roof Trusses


St Andrews Day Approaches...

A wee scrawney lad found his way to the Hut today, asking whether we're planning anything for St Andrews Day (November 30). He was told that there'll no doubt be something on, but that we hope also to participate in whatever county wide celebrations will be happening at the Galloway Inn or up at Highlands Hall.

If nothing else, we expect that Piper Tom will invite all of his mates around to play 'The Brave' all day long. For the moment, he's playing another of his seemingly endless repertoire of highland marches...

Lodge Update

We've all been pretty busy in our own lives recently, farming shopping changing trades travelling etc. So work has slowed down on our new Lodge. But work hasn't stopped entirely...
Here you can see that we have been splitting the logs we've recently collected, making slats for the roof and walls...


Get up, Stand up!

Our hearth has been particularly busy again, with comings and goings in the back room now becoming a regular feature of life at the hut. Since the visit several days ago from the Herald there has been much talk of constitutions, rights and duties around our fire. Lucky our veggie growers have kept up a good supply of rabbit stew!
Lodge News
Today we hoisted up all the cross beams for the 'side galleries' to the main hall of our new lodge, presently under construction. Again, we relied upon the carpentry skills of clan members to guide us in the difficult work of making this a structure sturdy enough to survive the gatherings we hope to hold here in coming years!
Above: the first 'side gallery framework completed!
Below: side aisle joinery (detail)

Some say we are 'thinking big' in building this lodge. Looking at what we've done so far, I'd have to agree!


The New Broom

In recent days our Hut might appear deserted to the casual observer. But if you listen very carefully you can hear the sound of work going on in the woods around (that is, you can hear this when Piper Tom isn't playing). One of our kinswomen is also evident around the hut a fair bit with her new broom, measuring and taking stock of what is here to assist in looking after the immediate needs of the clan.

Once dark has fallen, however, there is a busy traffic into and out of the Hut as MacTavishes come in from their various daytime tasks and duties. There seems to be much business being conducted in the back room, around our friendly Hearth.

Lodge Update

Today, one of the young gillies was busy digging more post holes at the site of the lodge we are building. Late in the evening several large logs are brought in from the woods, dressed and painted in tar at their bases to resist rot. The poles are placed directly into the recently dug holes:

Being both smaller and freestanding, these side gallery pole holes don't require the bracing which the main gallery holes did.

As the light fades, a large number of smaller logs are brought out of the woods and placed near the newly postitioned side gallery poles, ready to be used on the morrow.

Just as I wrote this, an extremely tall and finely built young man comes striding to the hut. With a self confident air, he lets himself into the back room and the sound of welcoming cheers can be heard ringing through the woods. The sounds of an irish lilt can be heard, telling a tall tale. Not to be outdone, Piper Tom swings into a little dittie he once learnt from one of his irish mates.

Sorry for the delay in posting this. I have been way busy both ingame and IRL.


Clearing the confusion

There is much confusion amongst the clans about how the future looks like working out for them in Scotland. Although perhaps the oldest means by which we Scotts organise ourselves in good times and bad there is yet to be established a formal means by which our clans are to be given expression in the new Scotland forming around us.
Much puzzled by this and other issues, many in Clan MacTavish have spent much of the day working off their anxieties on their fields, in their workshops, and at the construction site for the new lodge we are building.
Having yesterday perfected our technique of raising the post and beam construction which will support the roof and walls, today we sunk the remaining posts into the ground. By late afternoon all were in the ground, and the various supporting beams were being raised into place. The tounge and groove rebating provides a firm structure once afixed with wedges sledged in to drive the joints home.

After several worrisome moments the measurements so carefully made several days before prove themselves as accurate as the craft in the moulding of the beams themselves. As evening falls, the final cross pieces are added to the upper joints.
Hard work, it has been good to sweat out some of the anxieties that have recently gathered. At the end of the day, the full extent of what we are building begins to become clear.

Tomorrow, we commence the roof framework ...


Later that same day...

And, when all is said and done, thinks Drac as he waves farewell to the last of the guests from the celebrations of November 1, 'twas well worth the effort and an honour to all! (click here for the day's celebrations, particularly the 'comments' - biggest thanks to ye all).

Looking towards the site of the new Lodge taking shape (we planted the first poles today), he has a vision of what Scotland can become if only we all put in, "each in our own wee way."

And with that, Drac retired to be with friends at the Hearth as night fell.

Piper Tom, perhaps a little reflective with the growing constitutional debate around the land, flows smoothly from his wedding march into a highland song about power and love.

A quieter day (thank goodness)

Many of the MacTavishes have been overly busy recently, participating in the active life of their various communities throughout the land. It has been a bit harder to organise work details at the Hut for the construction of our new lodge, but we've managed to keep the project moving along. Apart from an early morning gathering to do the muscle work for raising the main structural poles of the lodge, it's been pretty quiet. After the rush of events over recent weeks, that's a nice change!

Piper Tom, hearing the cheers from the Galloway Inn even from this distance, is alert to the fact that Nilf Kennedy and Lucas Campbell have become married. Never one for formal ceremony but always one for music, he launches into a tune we probably don't hear enough of these days...

Lodge News

First thing in the morning, it was time to raise the main timber pillars of the Clan Lodge we MacTavishes are building near our Hut. Firstly, we maneuver the dressed logs into place, lining them up with the holes we dug yesteday. Laying them on the ground, one on the left and one on the right, we affix the cross beam between each pair of pillars with 'tounge and groove' rebating (also competed last night). We wedge the construction together with a wooden wedge, driven in by a mallet. We then tie the guide ropes securely to the top of the poles. Something like this:

We then raised the beams, using a combination of levers and ropes. Our first attempts failed as the clay in which we had dug the holes was 'carved' out by the poles as they were lowered in, causing the dislodged 'fill' to fall to the bottom of the hole and make the beams uneven. So we had to rework the holes and then use a lever to lower the bottom end of each pole into its hole, now braced with timber. Again, something like this:

By mid morning we had raised two sets of poles, complete with cross beams above. We had to stop there as everyone had to go and work in their tradeshops or on their fields. A bunch went out fishing, as usual. Several of us only had hours of paperwork in the back room to look forward to. Ach well. One day it will be seen to have been worth it. We hope...



Construction on the new MacTavish Lodge proceeds apace. Although there seems to be a lot of social gatherings occuring at the moment, we somehow are keeping up to our fairly rigorous schedule. With many hands we have managed to make light work of the task so far.

Yesterday evening, for example, was a race against the sunset to push the project along. While several of us were digging deep postholes, another was checking the alignments and measurements as well she could. Who better to keep the lads in line!

While that was occuring and under the guidance of skilled hands, several of us had pulled suiably chosen and dressed logs to the site. There, the timber was more finely prepared, including some delicate chisel work at the 'top' of these future poles. Still others of us were adding the final twists to the rope we would require.

Using the last of the natural light, the various elements of this stage of the project were combined, and we rigged up the lever and pulley systems we planned to use to raise our first uprights on the morrow.

We were very much looking forward to the traditional rabbit stew which our vegetable farmers produced for our evening meal, with afters of bread and cheese.

Where'd the cheese come from?


When you go down to the woods today...

Again, there were some late night conversations in the backroom of MacTavish's hut. At least some of the comings and goings of various messengers today was probably a result of at least some of those conversations. Otherwise, today was quite an ordinary day, filled with the needs of earning a daily living.

At one point a horsed messenger rode out to find Dracmuller near the worksite where we are going to build our new Lodge. Hardly had the messenger departed when Drac tromped out of the woods and into the backroom of the Hut. It wasn't long and several further messages were despatched by the 'wee bairn express' which we so love to use, and then we settled into a big meal of bread and cheese.

Lodge Update

Because cattle are now rarely seen in these parts, the nearby forest withie, once used by the cowherds, has fallen into disrepair. We've spruced it up and now use it as a base for our forestry operations. Having felled sufficient timber for present needs various kin start to dress the logs for use, under the guidance of the experienced carpenters amongst us.

Forest Withie


The work begins.

Some of our visitors have reported strange storms of late, nights darkened beyond the natural, strangers on the roads. The warm glow emerging from our back room, the rabbit stew on offer out the front, we hope these have provided solace in these dangerous times.
But the time of celebration has passed with the last hangover and, despite the recent ill omens, Clan MacTavish has continued determined to commence on the construction of its new lodge.
The land must first be cleared at the chosen site (located near our present accomodation) and the decrease in our stock of timber, brought about by the need to light the signal fire the other night, made good. True to form, we set out to get the job done...
Above: A younger MacTavish helps clear the site for our future Clan Lodge.
Below: At the end of a hard day's work in the woods...

Piper Tom has heard that some of the MacTavishes have been practicing the ancient art of Cattle Tippin'. Suspecting bruises will be the result, he picks out an old tippin' aire on his pipes and puts 'The Brave' away for a little while at least.



There were dark storms in the cybersky last night, we hope some of you at least were able to enjoy the rabbit stew we left out for those who gathered near our signal fire. When times are dark and the silver light of the moon is obscured by dark forces, these are the times when light cheer and good food go a long way.

Having burnt some of the timber we had been collecting for the lodge we plan to build, our project has been set back a wee while. Oh well, that will give Lady Susan MacTavish time, we hope, to make concrete sense of the somewhat vague plans being espoused by Dracmuller. He seems a bit preoccupied...

Vegetable grower's revenge


A welcome sight upon the hill!

A place to gather in these dark times
With darkness having unexpectedly fallen across our land recently, some of us MacTavishes have used some wood we've been collecting to light this for you all. You may share what morsels we have saved from the feasting of yesterday! A place to gather, here with us. Come and sit around, share tales if that is your want!

Together, we can see this through!

Tom the piper gets the message. To do his bit to raise all our spirits, he swirls into a rendition of the most rousing tune he knows. All visitors are greeted by it, their spirits rise.

A strange darkness, a long night ...

A darkness has fallen across our land! Methinks perhaps an evil has set foot upon our shore!


Awakening of the Clans!

November begins bright, but cold and with a heavy frost. The lowlands glisten and the world awakens. Up at Highlands Hall the organisers are already busy, getting things prepared for the coming friendly clashes of bow, sword and courage that will happen this day. If you follow the Track down the hill from the Hall you will see a slight but fairly well trodden path leading off through the wood, and hear the undulating sound of a piper coming through the trees.

Why does this remind me of Asterix?

If you follow the path, you find yourself in a small forest clearing. Nestled in amongst the trees on the edge of the dell lies a large thatched Hut, a tendril of smoke rising through the crisp air above its rooftop smokehole. As you emerge into the clearing the scent of well roasted meat and the sound of merriment and lively talk greets you.

The MacTavishes seem to have turned out in force to put on a show of highland hospitality for their guests. And the guests are many! And the colours on their plaids, their tartans and their finery, are many! The battles they share, and then share again in the retelling, will be many! For the day is young, and Scotland’s children are awakening!

I, Dracmuller MacTavish, Chieftain of our clan, welcome you all! Be ye kith or kin, old foe of the field or ally on the hoof, peasant, tradesperson or noble, we extend to you our humble hospitality!

He gestures towards a large table, laden with piles of bread and roasted vegetables, platters of meats and poultries dripping with succulent juices, a cauldron of fish soup, and bowls of endless oatmeal porridge for the traditionalists

But before you begin, I want you to look around. Notice who is here. See them not as the doers of the petty day to day things which fill so much of our lives. Rather, see in them the Founding Clans of Scotland. For our flesh and blood is Scotlands future!

He raises his drinking bowl.

To the glory of Scotland!

And with that the feast began …

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Last minute preparations - and a new arrival!

Preparations continue at MacTavish's Hut for the celebration of their proclomation as one of the 'Founding Clans of Scotland.' A truly great honour, all are agreed.

The scent of good highland cooking fills the air around as kith and kin combine to get things ready. The furniture is built, the piglets have been led off into the woods, the peat is piled to hand and there is a good supply of ale to do the rounds. Although there is not a lot of time left, and much needs doing, the MacTavishes seem quite confident they'll get the job done.

Towards evening, the sound of happy voices is heard coming up the path. Before long there emerges into the clearing a group of MacTavishes, joking and carrying on. In their midst is a young man from Drummore, and he looks like he had a narrow escape to be here in time for the big day.

Tom can't help himself, pulls out his pipes, and launches into "Ear'sare' burin" another incindiary tune he knows.