
Awakening of the Clans!

November begins bright, but cold and with a heavy frost. The lowlands glisten and the world awakens. Up at Highlands Hall the organisers are already busy, getting things prepared for the coming friendly clashes of bow, sword and courage that will happen this day. If you follow the Track down the hill from the Hall you will see a slight but fairly well trodden path leading off through the wood, and hear the undulating sound of a piper coming through the trees.

Why does this remind me of Asterix?

If you follow the path, you find yourself in a small forest clearing. Nestled in amongst the trees on the edge of the dell lies a large thatched Hut, a tendril of smoke rising through the crisp air above its rooftop smokehole. As you emerge into the clearing the scent of well roasted meat and the sound of merriment and lively talk greets you.

The MacTavishes seem to have turned out in force to put on a show of highland hospitality for their guests. And the guests are many! And the colours on their plaids, their tartans and their finery, are many! The battles they share, and then share again in the retelling, will be many! For the day is young, and Scotland’s children are awakening!

I, Dracmuller MacTavish, Chieftain of our clan, welcome you all! Be ye kith or kin, old foe of the field or ally on the hoof, peasant, tradesperson or noble, we extend to you our humble hospitality!

He gestures towards a large table, laden with piles of bread and roasted vegetables, platters of meats and poultries dripping with succulent juices, a cauldron of fish soup, and bowls of endless oatmeal porridge for the traditionalists

But before you begin, I want you to look around. Notice who is here. See them not as the doers of the petty day to day things which fill so much of our lives. Rather, see in them the Founding Clans of Scotland. For our flesh and blood is Scotlands future!

He raises his drinking bowl.

To the glory of Scotland!

And with that the feast began …

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Adelaide Gamer said...

(In the predawn) I wonder if anyone will turn up. All that work over these past days! And with that, he went to sleep, dreaming the tartan of Scotland, strong free and independent.

Anonymous said...

Of course we will turn up, my liege lord! I rejoice with you this day!

Anonymous said...

Long live Clan MacTavish and our beloved home, Scotland!!

Anonymous said...

Hail MacTavish! I raise my flagon in a toast to your health and to Scotland

So says Ragehammer MacTavish

Anonymous said...

We wouldn't refuse such a kind invitation from a fellow Scot!!

The McAles from Kirkudbright are here! Long live Scotland!

And now, let me help myself with some good haggis...

Susan S. M. said...

What a grand celebration! Hope many other clans join us in peace and glory. Here have another scone...

Anonymous said...

Hail! Ye fair Scots of the MacTavish Clan. I feel honoured by your invite and will proudly raise my drinkingbowl with ye!

To the glory of Scotland!

Adelaide Gamer said...

Standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a satisfied smile on his face, Dracmuller looks out over the gathering of family and friends.

He recalls the Campbell's comment that a 'Lodge' is what's required now that the clans have established themselves. He looks speculatively at the hut he built such a short while ago. Already forming in his minds eye is an image of something, well, more appropriate...

Hearing his name called from the back room, he turns around and goes back inside the hut to help with some of the catering.

Anonymous said...

Kellen walks in the doorway and smiles.

'Hail MacTavish!' he shouts.

'I am Kellen Kiernan from the Clan O'Broin in Wigtown and I thank you for graciousness. I am happy to share drink with you. To the glory of Scotland!'

Lizardking said...

Sons of Scotland, I am a MacTavish. I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance and tryanny. You have come to feast as free men and free men you are. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITHOUT FREEDOM..........FOR FREEDOM!

(raises tankard to everone)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the invite, this is a great day.

michellebeeg, lady of black forest.

A proud macale.

Anonymous said...

I here my brothers and sisters....perhaps this is the beginning of a new adventure........

For Scotland and honour of Mactavish!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Bonnie Scotland,

As Chief of Clan Munro, I congratulate you, all of you, with the arrival of clans to Scotland. I am happy to see that also you managed to be recognised as one of the founding clans. In the hope for a fruitful cooperation between our clans in the future I lift my glass and shout the words: "Long live MacTavish, Long live Munro, Long live Scotland!!!"



Anonymous said...

Hail to Clan MacTavish, and greetings from Holabar of Clan O'Broin. This must be the place to be, it has attracted the best of company.
Now down to the dirty work of the day. Where's the keg? I shall do my part to slay this beast.

Anonymous said...

Holabar said...

Let me also say that it is good to see so many of our Scotish clans gather in the name of friendship and not war. I raise my tankard to all the founding clans. May we always meet on such happy terms.

Anonymous said...

Hail be to a fellow Scottish clan. I am Lady Gypsy Rose of Whithorn and Chieftess of Clan Fraser.

My apologies for being late but my friesian threw a shoe on the way and i had to lead him the rest of the way.

*sits on a stool and excepts a tankard of ale* *Lady Gypsy Rose takes a hearty gulp and sighs*

Just what these parched lips needed. So my friends what shall we discuss this noght?

Anonymous said...

Jaseph Chief Drunk of the MacAles wanders into the Hut of the MacTavish's, he calls to a few lads who unload several large kegs of ale.

Let us *hips* celebrate this fine occasion!!

Adelaide Gamer said...

Aye MacAle, well met! (offers drinking bowl). Let us celebrate!

Adelaide Gamer said...

And that my friends appears to be it for the moment. Any stragglers are welcome, but for now let me thank our brothers and sisters of scotland for coming to our we show.

Before I go, should also say that apologies received from Chieftain of MacGillivray, Count Hypno. He was over on the continent and couldn't come to our shindig.

(Quaffs one last mouthful of ale)

Anonymous said...

Spr walks in and sit by Lady Gypsy and says "hi all may I say thanks for an invitation to such a mighty gathering of the Scots. Now where be that beer that was promised?"

Susan S. M. said...

(Smiling at the appearance of so many friends, the great scots)

Well Spr, Lady Gypsy and *hips* Jaseph we can stay a wee longer and put an end to this last keg.

Then I'll be clearing up for Dracmuller. If I can *hips* find a broom...

Anonymous said...

well Lady Susan i have two here

*holds hand out with only one broom in it*

eh what happened to my other broom?

Spr what did you do wit me udder broom laddie? *hip*

Anonymous said...

*hips* "awww that the last of the lovly god like water? *hips* Is feels likes mes could takes the world nows!"

goes tae throw a punch tae the nearest guy tae him but falls over to drunk tae dae anything else

Anonymous said...

*pokes spr with my toe*

tsk ye never good take you're liquor laddie

Anonymous said...

*hips* Boot da Gottle da rrrrghrr! *hips*

Anonymous said...

May the best ye hae ivver seen be the warst ye'll ivver see.
May the moose ne'er lea' yer girnal wi a tear-drap in its ee.
May ye aye keep hail an hertie till ye'r auld eneuch tae dee.
May ye aye juist be sae happie as A wuss ye aye tae be.

May the best you have ever seen be the worst you will ever see.
May the mouse never leave your grain store with a tear drop in its eye.
May you always stay hale and hearty until you are old enough to die.
May you be just as happy as I always wish you to be.

~Claire Elizabeth Fraser, Lady Broch Tuarach

Adelaide Gamer said...

And, when all is said and done, thinks Drac as he waves farewell to the last of the guests, 'twas well worth the effort and an honour to all!

As he looks towards the site of the new Lodge taking shape (we planted the first poles today), he has a vision of what Scotland can become if only we all put in.

To the Glory of Scotland!

And with that, Drac retired to be with friends at the Hearth as night fell.

Anonymous said...

W wee lad comes in picks up the drunking spr and pits him in the wheel barow then takes him home all the while hes singing a very.....strange song bout the english