
Life goes on

Roddy the Piper has taken on the duty at MacTavishes hut of welcoming visitors. We hope you enjoy his playing. Pipertom has run out wind at the moment.

With Dracmuller gone off on a trip to Wigtown, life just seems to be getting busier at the MacTavishes' hut. Not that the public can see much evidence of it, just the sound of excited voices coming from the backroom and the wail of Roddy's bagpipes skirling up a fling or two!

The MacTavish's archives have recently been consulted by several people claiming primary kinship to other clans. We don't mind, we believe in a united scotland, one not riven by clan jealousy and strife. if you go back far enough , afterall, it is probably true that all us Scotts are related somehow.

Isn't it grand being Scotts!


Anonymous said...

Strolls up the path, nearing the hut, the Campbell banner plainly in view, as I have come to tend Clan buisness. pausing before the hut, I straighten my bit of tartan, and run fingers through my hair, then ease the hut door open, careful incase of flying objects.

" Oye McTavishes, clan Campbell comes to speak with ye boot' the tournament. We look forward to adding a few bruises to your ranks, and hope ye dun not hold it against us." smiles brightly

" may the best Campbell win, and I do hope yur' piper comes along to play a few wee tunes, after all, we can not hear ye from way o'er der. but your pipers reputation proceeds him. So Please by all means bring him along wich ya"

Laughs lightly, as I post a foraml invitation on the hut door, turning about and heading back down the path once more, the tune of the scotsman drifting on the gentle breeze as I my way home.

Anonymous said...

The tournment having started, I knew the MacTavishes would be in in the arensa, or at least most of them, but I had forgotten to leave them a very important missive, and just wanted to be certain they got it, pausing at the door..." any MacTavishes in the Hut?" having hear no reply, leaves the scroll on the step, and place a small stone to keep it from blowing away......Those of your clan that win a prize please contact me via IG message, so I might have it delivered directly to you, thank you very much.