
Drac Lights the hearthfire!

Dracmuller silently raises a toast in the back room of MacTavish hut.
"All is ready," he says to himself.
He sparks his flint in the dry tinder. A small glow appears.
Drac blows gently, bringing a flame to life.
He places some kindling on the fire, it catches alight.
"For MacTavish!" he exclaims to himself, watching with satisfaction as the flames take hold.

We MacTavishes have already established our presence outside Highland Hall with our hut. Now we can now put up our feet around our own hearth fire! Located in the hut's back room, we will keep it going at least until the Gathering of the Clans in November. Depending on events, we'll see what happens then.

To gain entry to MacTavish hearth, all MacTavishes are invited to step inside.

To do so, however, you'll first need to provide me an email address so that I can give permission for you to enter the Hearth site.

I think that the hearth should be a communal clan site, so I will allow everyone who has access to the Hearth the ability to put up posts (they will need to be registered with 'blogger' to do this - it's free and easy). We will all be able to leave comments.

I will retain administrator rights and play the role of censor. We MacTavishes will conduct ourselves with honour at all times.

Any MacTavish who wants to enter the Hearth site, or register with blogger to post at the hearth, please contact me in game.

Only true MacTavishes will be allowed around the fire. I'm sorry to all you other folk, but we MacTavishes need our own space to talk clan business.

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