A Very Long Time Later
Time passed.
Then, one day, years later (or so it seemed), Dracmuller returned to sift through the ashes.
* A virus caused my hard drive to melt down and i lost all the pic's I'd worked on for this project.
St Andrew's Day

After we'd finished work on the Lodge for the day we all tucked in to a fine feast in honour of this grand day. Many of us have raised a toast to our patron saint, Andrew, in our local taverns already by the time we get here, so the food certainly doesn't go astray!
Piper Tom, waking up a little late after his 'preparations' last night for today, has decided to play an old favorite today to honour the occasion. For war and celebration, 'The Brave' is one of scotland's most well known tunes.
Bin awhile
The construction of the new Lodge we are building has temporarily slowed up as we split more planks for the roof. We never quite realised just how much work is involved in building such a huge structure...
A most sweet wee lassie came froliking up to the hut this evening, looking for her aunty. Piper Tom, overjoyed to see such a bonnie MacTavish grace our porch, launched into his latest tune 'sweet sweet sounds of home'.
Getting Ready
Near sunset, just as the work crew is returning from the site of our new lodge (see below), one can hear the sound of a young gillie whistling as he strides confidently up the path. He bears a distinct family resemblance to certain others of the Whithorn branch of our clan and is obviously another MacTavish finding his way to our Hearth.
To honour the occasion, Piper Tom tries out another tune - 'Wher'er she may lead'
St Andrews Day Approaches...
If nothing else, we expect that Piper Tom will invite all of his mates around to play 'The Brave' all day long. For the moment, he's playing another of his seemingly endless repertoire of highland marches...
Lodge Update
We've all been pretty busy in our own lives recently, farming shopping changing trades travelling etc. So work has slowed down on our new Lodge. But work hasn't stopped entirely...
Here you can see that we have been splitting the logs we've recently collected, making slats for the roof and walls...

Get up, Stand up!

Some say we are 'thinking big' in building this lodge. Looking at what we've done so far, I'd have to agree!
The New Broom
Once dark has fallen, however, there is a busy traffic into and out of the Hut as MacTavishes come in from their various daytime tasks and duties. There seems to be much business being conducted in the back room, around our friendly Hearth.
Today, one of the young gillies was busy digging more post holes at the site of the lodge we are building. Late in the evening several large logs are brought in from the woods, dressed and painted in tar at their bases to resist rot. The poles are placed directly into the recently dug holes:

Being both smaller and freestanding, these side gallery pole holes don't require the bracing which the main gallery holes did.
As the light fades, a large number of smaller logs are brought out of the woods and placed near the newly postitioned side gallery poles, ready to be used on the morrow.

Just as I wrote this, an extremely tall and finely built young man comes striding to the hut. With a self confident air, he lets himself into the back room and the sound of welcoming cheers can be heard ringing through the woods. The sounds of an irish lilt can be heard, telling a tall tale. Not to be outdone, Piper Tom swings into a little dittie he once learnt from one of his irish mates.
Sorry for the delay in posting this. I have been way busy both ingame and IRL.
Clearing the confusion
Much puzzled by this and other issues, many in Clan MacTavish have spent much of the day working off their anxieties on their fields, in their workshops, and at the construction site for the new lodge we are building.
Having yesterday perfected our technique of raising the post and beam construction which will support the roof and walls, today we sunk the remaining posts into the ground. By late afternoon all were in the ground, and the various supporting beams were being raised into place. The tounge and groove rebating provides a firm structure once afixed with wedges sledged in to drive the joints home.
After several worrisome moments the measurements so carefully made several days before prove themselves as accurate as the craft in the moulding of the beams themselves. As evening falls, the final cross pieces are added to the upper joints.
Hard work, it has been good to sweat out some of the anxieties that have recently gathered. At the end of the day, the full extent of what we are building begins to become clear.

Later that same day...
Looking towards the site of the new Lodge taking shape (we planted the first poles today), he has a vision of what Scotland can become if only we all put in, "each in our own wee way."
And with that, Drac retired to be with friends at the Hearth as night fell.
Piper Tom, perhaps a little reflective with the growing constitutional debate around the land, flows smoothly from his wedding march into a highland song about power and love.
A quieter day (thank goodness)
Piper Tom, hearing the cheers from the Galloway Inn even from this distance, is alert to the fact that Nilf Kennedy and Lucas Campbell have become married. Never one for formal ceremony but always one for music, he launches into a tune we probably don't hear enough of these days...
First thing in the morning, it was time to raise the main timber pillars of the Clan Lodge we MacTavishes are building near our Hut. Firstly, we maneuver the dressed logs into place, lining them up with the holes we dug yesteday. Laying them on the ground, one on the left and one on the right, we affix the cross beam between each pair of pillars with 'tounge and groove' rebating (also competed last night). We wedge the construction together with a wooden wedge, driven in by a mallet. We then tie the guide ropes securely to the top of the poles. Something like this:
We then raised the beams, using a combination of levers and ropes. Our first attempts failed as the clay in which we had dug the holes was 'carved' out by the poles as they were lowered in, causing the dislodged 'fill' to fall to the bottom of the hole and make the beams uneven. So we had to rework the holes and then use a lever to lower the bottom end of each pole into its hole, now braced with timber. Again, something like this:
By mid morning we had raised two sets of poles, complete with cross beams above. We had to stop there as everyone had to go and work in their tradeshops or on their fields. A bunch went out fishing, as usual. Several of us only had hours of paperwork in the back room to look forward to. Ach well. One day it will be seen to have been worth it. We hope...

Where'd the cheese come from?
When you go down to the woods today...
At one point a horsed messenger rode out to find Dracmuller near the worksite where we are going to build our new Lodge. Hardly had the messenger departed when Drac tromped out of the woods and into the backroom of the Hut. It wasn't long and several further messages were despatched by the 'wee bairn express' which we so love to use, and then we settled into a big meal of bread and cheese.
Because cattle are now rarely seen in these parts, the nearby forest withie, once used by the cowherds, has fallen into disrepair. We've spruced it up and now use it as a base for our forestry operations. Having felled sufficient timber for present needs various kin start to dress the logs for use, under the guidance of the experienced carpenters amongst us.

Forest Withie
The work begins.
Below: At the end of a hard day's work in the woods...
Piper Tom has heard that some of the MacTavishes have been practicing the ancient art of Cattle Tippin'. Suspecting bruises will be the result, he picks out an old tippin' aire on his pipes and puts 'The Brave' away for a little while at least.
Vegetable grower's revenge
A welcome sight upon the hill!

Together, we can see this through!
Tom the piper gets the message. To do his bit to raise all our spirits, he swirls into a rendition of the most rousing tune he knows. All visitors are greeted by it, their spirits rise.
Awakening of the Clans!
If you follow the path, you find yourself in a small forest clearing. Nestled in amongst the trees on the edge of the dell lies a large thatched Hut, a tendril of smoke rising through the crisp air above its rooftop smokehole. As you emerge into the clearing the scent of well roasted meat and the sound of merriment and lively talk greets you.
The MacTavishes seem to have turned out in force to put on a show of highland hospitality for their guests. And the guests are many! And the colours on their plaids, their tartans and their finery, are many! The battles they share, and then share again in the retelling, will be many! For the day is young, and Scotland’s children are awakening!
I, Dracmuller MacTavish, Chieftain of our clan, welcome you all! Be ye kith or kin, old foe of the field or ally on the hoof, peasant, tradesperson or noble, we extend to you our humble hospitality!
He gestures towards a large table, laden with piles of bread and roasted vegetables, platters of meats and poultries dripping with succulent juices, a cauldron of fish soup, and bowls of endless oatmeal porridge for the traditionalists
But before you begin, I want you to look around. Notice who is here. See them not as the doers of the petty day to day things which fill so much of our lives. Rather, see in them the Founding Clans of Scotland. For our flesh and blood is Scotlands future!
He raises his drinking bowl.
To the glory of Scotland!
And with that the feast began …
Click on "comments" (below). In subscreen, write your message. Scroll down until you see the option, ‘other’. Click it. Please use your ingame name (or just type your name at the bottom of your comment). And yes, I know that West Coast USA is 16 odd hours behind my local time!
Last minute preparations - and a new arrival!
The scent of good highland cooking fills the air around as kith and kin combine to get things ready. The furniture is built, the piglets have been led off into the woods, the peat is piled to hand and there is a good supply of ale to do the rounds. Although there is not a lot of time left, and much needs doing, the MacTavishes seem quite confident they'll get the job done.
Towards evening, the sound of happy voices is heard coming up the path. Before long there emerges into the clearing a group of MacTavishes, joking and carrying on. In their midst is a young man from Drummore, and he looks like he had a narrow escape to be here in time for the big day.
Tom can't help himself, pulls out his pipes, and launches into "Ear'sare' burin" another incindiary tune he knows.
Dan and Ben MacTavish dragged a great table up the hill today, straining to get it over the steepest bits. Telets, skilled carpenter that he is, has recently fashioned a large number of stools and benches and these were placed around the table and in our hut. Various cooking devices and utensils are being collected, and there's even a small flock of piglets penned in awaiting Vermelaine's knife on the big day.
The young herald from the Court of Lyons visited us again today. She went into the backroom with the Chieftain and his maps, emerging shortly after with several rolled up documents in hand and a thoughtful expression on her bonny face. She left shortly afterwards.
Tom's mate Roddy has been playing the pipes today. A bit more formalised in meter, Roddy's "March'n'u't'Burn" is an old song of homecoming. Piper Tom is resting his lungs for November 1. Hopefully we'll have a few visitors on the day, perhaps on their way home from the Highland Games. Tom wants to play a selection of his favorite tunes for them all!
A day to celebrate!
With the dawn came another MacTavish from Wigtown. Seeing her stride up the path, hair flowing in the breeze, Tom the Piper could nae help himself. For the rest of the day the MacTavishes would be listening to “Mist in t’glade”
Talk on the verandah seemed to centre around the coming Highland Games, supposedly to be held at the start of November. Drac is talking to the young Dan MacTavish of swords and things when he stops, all of a sudden, and looks up at the sun. Mumbling something about having "let the day get away", he quickly grabs his stout walking staff.
After a quick word to someone in the backroom, “I’ve got a wedding to get to!”, he hurries off down the path.
A few minutes later, still making final adjustments to the hang of her plaid, Lady Robin MacTavish hurries after him.
You can evolve with the wedding, here.
A Chieftain is Chosen!
Further deliberations ensued in the back room.
Preceded by sounds of applause and good cheer, Dracmuller emerged from the Hearth and announced that the Clan had appointed him Chieftain by acclamation.
"Clan MacTavish and all true friends, hear me!" he said.
"You see before you the Chieftain of Clan MacTavish! The mantle of chieftainship is an honour I will accept humbly but carry with pride! My first announcement as Chieftain is to invite any who disagree strongly with any decision of mine to come forth and speak with me before taking any rash action."
Witnessing this speech as she emerged from the trees near the hut, another proud MacTavish lady came forth to acknowledge her kinship with the clan. Dracmuller saw this as a good omen. PiperTom saw it as an excuse to try out his latest, 'Distant Alpin Home.'
A message from the Court of Lyons!
Invited inside for a "snack of Pork and Ham", she politely declined. Speaking of the urgency of her mistress's need for her courtier skills, the young one departed back down the path.
Puzzled, Ragehammer closely examined the sealed tiestring which bound closed the beautifully crafted leathern scroll protector, handed him by the messenger. Recognising the arms of the Court of Lyon filigreed into the clasp, he gingerly placed the royal object upon the pile of papers awaiting the attention of one of the more clerically minded MacTavishes.
Ragehammer returned to the back room of the hut, where PiperTom was trying to teach him 'Lady of the Valley,' a beautiful song of misty highland vales and the woman who travelled them.
Pipers compare notes!
True Highlander, as much viking as scott in appearance and speaking with a wild misty gaelic accent. Proud, discerning and savagely noble.He and our boys played to the wee hours while the MacTavishes celebrated their new rooms at Highland Hall.
By the end of the night PiperTom was reeling out a jig dereived from the celtic roots of islander music taught him by the long haired giant from the north. Where he learnt it, we know not.
The bagpiping of Piper Tom and wee Roddy has certainly been a feature of recent times at MacTavish's Hut. After November 1st you'll actually have to ask them to play to hear their grand sounds. I'm sure that they'll play for you at the drop of a cap, however.
All credit where credit's due, however, for we have made the most of their free offer to play for us as we lead up to November 1. If you want to visit their cyberhuts directly, use the links on the sidebar (beneath the rose).
MacTavishes celebrate new rooms!
Such room now secured for official business at the Hall, it wasn't long before Sol and Dan MacTavish were seen giving Wognot a hand with several boxes, carrying them up the hill with some gusto to their new home.
The path was a little less noisy today, the recent Hall debates about laws giving 'a fair go for thieves and criminals' having reached resolution. The small clusters of cuthroats and rogues who'd being hanging around over recent days, while their leaders argued it out inside, had departed. Their polluted and filthy campsites, abandoned without a thought to those who would come next, bore mute testimony to the corruption about to descend again upon our roads as the gangs return to their haunts.
To lighten the mood a little, it was grand to see that the MacTavishes weren't the ony ones who were publicly claiming rooms today at the Hall, for our lads reported seeing several plaids worn openly which recently were concealed. This is a good sign.
At one point in the day, several of the MacTavish women gathered on the verandah of the hut, earnestly discussing some obviously serious issue, judging by the determined look on their faces. They went their own ways shortly afterwards.
Life goes on
With Dracmuller gone off on a trip to Wigtown, life just seems to be getting busier at the MacTavishes' hut. Not that the public can see much evidence of it, just the sound of excited voices coming from the backroom and the wail of Roddy's bagpipes skirling up a fling or two!
The MacTavish's archives have recently been consulted by several people claiming primary kinship to other clans. We don't mind, we believe in a united scotland, one not riven by clan jealousy and strife. if you go back far enough , afterall, it is probably true that all us Scotts are related somehow.
Isn't it grand being Scotts!
While the cat's are away ...
While their foul english accents pollute the nearby highland air, reflects Drac, the roads at least are free!
How Ironic!
Drac nods his head in passing as a bonny lassie passes by, her butcher's hooks and knives hung as though for easy access on broad leathern belts. Drac notes the regal aloofness in her stride as she passes a puddle of english rabbles, and the grin she flashes as she approaches he.
"This be anor MacTavish," he thinks to himself, comforted knowing that even now Scotland is gathering its sons and daughters to heart...
the last sounds of home which Drac hears on his departure is Piper Tom's latest "Aye for a gentler sea!"
Archival searches
Drac reached into the pocket of his new red trousers, admiring the quality of the good Whithornian fabric as he did so. He withdrew several rumpled sheets of paper. Pointing out something of interest on one of the sheets with his rough peasant finger, he had a brief conversation with Wagnot.
Apparently reaching agreement, the two proceed to check the pages within the box, comparing each one with the rough notes from Drac's pocket. For a couple of hours they remained thus, occasionally muttering something, at other times asking the other for an opinion on something noticed on the pages before them.
The MacTavishes have for awhile been gathering together the various documentary sources of their genealogy and are now putting them to good use. These papers constitute the basis of the formal document to be one day submitted to the powers that be as the genealogical basis of the status of Clan MacTavish as a Founding Clan of Scotland.
The archive is of more immediate use, however, in answering the questions of various friends and neighbors as to the degree of their relationships to Clan MacTavish.
As the day closes a young tall and strong looking lad strides meaningfully up the hill to the hut. Piper Tom, recognising the determination of a MacTavish finding his way home for the first time, hurls himself into a new tune to honour the occasion. The reeling wail of 'Lay of the steel' rings out through the gloaming.
A Quieter Day (thank goodness)
Was interesting that an intrepid reporter from the Scottish Herald found his way to our site, looking for 'background' for his upcoming report on Clan Matters. It was kinda disturbing that everything he saw seemed to be refracted through the lense of 'politics', but I guess that's what it's all about to some of us.
Dracmuller MacTavish was away for a change, apparently talking to administrators at the main Hall. No doubt haggling over the proposed location of the clan's room within.
Wognot MacTavish hung around awhile, sorting out various papers containing some of the MacTavish archives.
We MacTavishes, well we know there's a lot more to life than politics!
Noise Complaint!
What can you say about that?
And, as another MacTavish walks up the path to meet his longlost kin for the first time, Pipertom unleashes yet another tune from his repertoire. This one, "Ye Olde Homestead Burnin'" is a raider's lament and, though popular amongst MacTavishes, lacks the neat sliding "blues note" of Tom's own more recent work.
But seriously, if the music is causing your computer problems, please let me know by 'comment' on this post or ingame email. And if you're worried about angry bagpipe fans giving you grief, don't! They are Mates of the MacTavishes and, like us, they don't believe their freedom need come at the expense of your fun.
Comings and Goings
Piper Tom, recognising the fact that his talents were appreciated, blew all the harder. He considered this latest piece, "Rin'o't'an'l," to be much more reflective than the (wedding) march he had recently been working on. The bit he liked the best is the nice sliding 'blues' note in the chorus.
Inside the hut, Clan MacTavish were having a bit of a shindig. A humble feast of bread, potatoes, fish and corn went down well with a liberal helping of dark ale, donated by a friend of the MacTavishes who shall remain nameless.
Several usually serious types popped in, "as they were passing by anyway." At first a bit hesitant, they soon loosened up and, by the time they left, promises had been made to meet these fellow scotts in various taverns and pubs throughout the land.
And who was that dark but noble and anonymous figure who hovered awhile in the far corner, enjoying our honest peasant hospitality but falling silent when more educated types went past?
Perhaps he realised and approved of the fact that, despite the apparent frivolity of the surroundings, if you looked carefully you could see that stubborn MacTavish look on the face of each and everyone of us. We know how to party all right, but we also know how to get things done!